Below you find few effective examples:
Example-1- Story telling method (appropriate for age-group 2-8yrs; can be adopted for the bigger age groups as well, as per their mental age and learning level)
Do you know, COVID 19 is a new disease on our beloved Earth caused by a new naughty virus called Corona. The viruses look like a ball or nice flower with nice looking spikes on it. Have you ever seen any picture of that virus? (Showing picture 1). Look, they are very colourful too. Does not it look similar (showing picture 2) with a full grown “Kadom-phul” (Bengali name, common in Bengal, English name burflower-tree)
Wish that virus could be called beautiful, but they have made many people sick recently. The infection is causing trouble for people to breathe, fever, sore throat, sometimes stomach ache and most importantly people are becoming weak and it hampers normal functions of the body. Scientists and doctors are still looking for a way to overpower this bad microbe. And they are trying hard to help people stay healthy and safe! This virus can run or jump from one person’s body to another when you cough, sneeze, even talk without covering your mouth by your arms or masks. So, doctors have advised people to stay at home and be clean always. The Govt. has thus closed schools, colleges, universities, work places and big markets where people visit in large numbers and requested all people in the country to stay at home and has named the situation as lock down.

Picture 2

Picture 1
Example 2- Showing audio-video clips/ cartoon (appropriate for age-group 3-10yrs; can be adopted for the bigger age groups as well, as per their mental age and learning level)
Here are a few things you need to know about the spread of the virus and the precautions that can be taken against the novel Corona virus.
Precautions and safety measures against Corona virus in Hindi through ‘Chota Bheem’ Cartoon
Watch ‘Chhtoa Bheem’ advising you to be more aware and cautious about Corona virus and how you can fight with and stay safe from the virus! Please copy and paste the following link in the browser - https://youtu.be/PcH4YU8ivFQ
Precautions and safety measures against Corona virus in Bangla through ‘Meena’ Cartoon by Unicef
Watch ‘Meena and Mithu’ fighting bravely against the deadly virus and follow her to stay safe! Please copy and paste the following link in the browser - https://youtu.be/OUic7JVdq-I
Example 3 – Educating self-protection in child-friendly way (appropriate for age-group 3-12 yrs; can be adopted for the bigger age groups as well, as per their mental age and learning level)
People can stay safe by following some simple practices like washing their hands regularly, keeping their mouths, nose and eyes covered, not spitting and blowing their noses in public, covering mouths and noses through your arms/elbow (showing picture) or by a cotton cloth/tissue while coughing and sneezing and then washing the covers or place the used tissue immediately in to a dustbin. To clean the dustbin in regular interval. To stay indoors. And if anybody feels sick then that person should remain indoors, take medicines as long as the doctor said and he or she will be fit again.
See how you should wash your hands everytime :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9VjeIWLnE

Talking about Good touch and bad touch (guiding on self-protection against abuse at home): Let me know, do you recognize good-touch or bad touch? If a person touches you and that makes you uncomfortable, unhappy and uneasy then that is normally called “Bad-touch”. If during staying at home you feel such, please do not hesitate to express your pain/anxiety to your mother or your closed person/friend. In case you do not have any one nearby, please don’t hesitate to call 1091.
On the other hand, if you feel happy and comfortable when someone holds/touches you, then that is called “Good touch” like your mumum’s kiss.
Example 4: Age appropriate effective communication
Communication is the main tool of expression. An age appropriate effective communication with child is the best tool to understand the status of their mental health or to educate them.
Some useful examples (collected from different reliable sources) as an easy reckoner for parents/teachers/care-givers:
Summary of the 8 useful advices according to Laura Markham, the author of parenting guide ‘Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids’ (appropriate for age-group 3-12yrs; can be adopted for the bigger age groups as well, as per their mental age and learning level)
i. Ask them what they have already heard - Always start by listening and acknowledging your child's worries.
ii. Reassure and give age-appropriate information- The main message should be "You are safe. Grownups have got this covered." And tell them, what we can all do now is to make an effort not to unwittingly transmit germs and spread the virus. If you do not know the answer to a particular question asked by them, tell them: "That's a good question. I am not sure what the answer is. But let me find out for you!" Consult an authentic source such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) or Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) without your child there, so you can frame your answer in a reassuring way, once you have the facts
iii. Turn off your TV - The news can be scary - under-10 yr olds do not need to see it.
iv. Teach Hygiene - Teach about handwashing and trying not to touch their face. But acknowledge that habits can be hard to establish. It should be regularly practiced and observed whether they are following the guidelines or not.
v. Empower kids - "Research shows that when we feel frightened or sad in response to news, it's helpful to take some kind of positive action to make things better," Encouraging children to donate money to charity, giving toys to a local hospital, or just remembering people struggling with the illness in their thoughts and prayers.
vi. Be aware that your child might well be worried that you will die- this fear can be addressed by saying: "You seem to be having a hard time lately. I know that some kids are worried about their parents, with this virus going around. I want you to know that I am taking very good care of myself ... I expect to live until I am a very old person – by then you will be all grown up and have children of your own and I will be their grandparent!"
Children's anxiety can often be expressed though bad behaviour. A good way to tackle this can be through play and laughter. "So if your child is misbehaving or seems stressed, initiate some roughhousing to get everyone laughing. Laughter changes the body chemistry, reducing stress hormones, and will help your child's fears melt away,"
vii. Work out any worry you have about this BEFORE talking with your kids - If you are panicking, it's time to refer to the best sources such as the WHO website for non-alarmist and helpful information.
vii. Make lemonade-If your child's school closes, "the idea of being cooped up endlessly with our children is daunting." Markham suggests all to treat it as an unplanned staycation.
"(M)ost parents ... say that they wish they had more time to spend as a family doing wholesome activities like cooking together or doing art or other family projects. If your family ends up spending more time at home together, why not look at this as an opportunity to strengthen and sweeten your family relationships?"
Source: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/03/how-to-talk-to-your-children-about-coronavirus-covid-19. More details can be found on in the Markham's website, https://www.ahaparenting.com/
Story telling through Comic Book: Comic is the one of the favorite mediums of communication with children. An useful comic series for COVID 19 Awareness has been developed by Dr Rabindra Khaiwal, Additional Professor of Environment Health, Dept of Community Medicine and school of Public Health, PGIMER, Chandigarh and Dr Suman Mor, Associate Proffessor and Chaiperson, Dept of Environment Studies,Panjab University, Chandigarh.
You can find story book here: (Source: https://www.mohfw.gov.in/pdf/Corona_comic_PGI.pdf)

My hero is you, story book for children on COVID-19, Publication date 2020(appropriate for all as per their mental age and learning level)
This book was a project developed by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings (IASC MHPSS RG). The project was supported by global, regional and country based experts from Member Agencies of the IASC MHPSS RG, in addition to parents, caregivers, teachers and children in 104 countries. A global survey was distributed in Arabic, English, Italian, French and Spanish to assess children’s mental health and psychosocial needs during the COVID-19 outbreak.
For Bengali Version:
For English Version:

World Health Organisation: Helping children cope with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak:​​
Support through expert professionals:
West Bengal Commission for Protection of Child Rights (WBCPCR) is offering support for children under stress due to the Corona crisis. Children directly of their parents/ teachers/care givers can avail the contact numbers for assistance if needed.